Darryl Jennson - Te Puke, Bay of Plenty

Raised 240 calves using 3 buckets.


"I keep the colostrum from my cows to add to the milk. When I start to run low on colostrum I switch to a 50:50 mix of colostrums and milk powder. I always find I get some nutritional scours with the change in diet, so this year I tried Calfcare on the calves which scoured. I fed twice a day changing to once a day feeding after a couple of weeks. It definitely helped to eliminate the scours and stopped after four days of using Calfcare."



Peter Simpson - Opotiki, Bay of Plenty

Raised 1000 calves using 40 buckets.


"I will definitely be using it again this season. The big thing for us was getting calves to 100kg at 10 weeks rather than the usual 12-14 weeks - the benefits are obvious. Less scouring, less calves sick and less hassle... "


Karen Roberts - Stratford, Taranaki 

Raised 69 calves using 5 buckets.


"Happy, healthier and more perky than usual"

"Not that fussy to mix up"
"I noticed a difference in 12 hours - after just one feed and they were bucking around the calf shed after the second feed"

"Once a rearer has been given their calves 2-3 feeds using Calfcare -they'd be sold. I have the best most trouble free year of calf rearing in 14 years of raising calves"



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